
Looking Closely at Learning and Teaching... A Journey Of Development

LOOKING CLOSELY AT LEARNING AND TEACHING... A JOURNEY OF DEVELOPMENT. By Liz Marsden and Jenny Woodbridge with Mary-Jane Drummond and Lesley Hill. (Early Excellence, 01422 311314, 16.95 plus 3 p&p). Reviewed by Jennie Lindon, psychologist and early years consultant Early years practitioners sometimes wonder about 'pedagogy': what the word means and how it looks in practice. I think this book will really help.
LOOKING CLOSELY AT LEARNING AND TEACHING... A JOURNEY OF DEVELOPMENT. By Liz Marsden and Jenny Woodbridge with Mary-Jane Drummond and Lesley Hill. (Early Excellence, 01422 311314, 16.95 plus 3 p&p). Reviewed by Jennie Lindon, psychologist and early years consultant

Early years practitioners sometimes wonder about 'pedagogy': what the word means and how it looks in practice. I think this book will really help.

The authors have captured the key elements of child-appropriate pedagogy with a simple model and straightforward language. They highlight the concept of interaction between child, adult and the learning environment and how effective learning is supported through appropriate resources and thoughtful adult input.

The book brings the model alive through a rich description, by Lesley Hill, of the learning journey of four children in her reception class. Readers can follow what engaged the children, what they did and how much a practitioner can learn when, as Lesley Hill describes, that adult is observant of children and genuinely comes alongside their learning. I enjoyed reading what the children had to say, their own reflections as well as the teacher's. The example focuses on the children's grasp of mathematical concepts. But documenting their learning story shows well how such a focus works in general to show children as active learners.

This book is an important contribution to creating and holding tight to good practice for young children. I would recommend it for personal reading, but it would also support discussion within a team or network well.