
Last chance to sign business rates petition

Policy & Politics Business
A petition calling on the Government to scrap business rates for nurseries in England has reached 9,000 signatures.

The National Day Nurseries Association is urging the sector to unite behind it to reach the 10,000 signatures needed for the petition to require a Government response. If 100,000 people sign the petition it will be debated in Parliament.

‘We are so close now and need less than a thousand signatories to require a response from Government regarding business rates.' - Purnima Tanuku

The petition on the UK Government petitions website started by Victoria Whitty, manager of Hocus Pocus Day Nursery in Bolton, and closes on 5 October (Friday).

Last week nurseries in Wales were granted exemption from business rates from April 2019 as part of plans to help the childcare sector to expand.

Since April, all nurseries in Scotland have been exempt from business rates after the Scottish Government brought in the change, which means that England is now the only country in the UK where nurseries have no exemption from business rates.

Purnima Tanuku, chief executive of the National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) said, ‘NDNA has been lobbying for business rates relief for a number of years and has achieved success in Scotland and now in Wales. This is our opportunity in England to stand together with one voice to support our member Victoria Whitty’s petition.

‘We are so close now and need less than a thousand signatories to require a response from Government regarding business rates.

‘It is unfair that nurseries are treated in the same way as shops and factories and are actually penalised by Government for having the space to encourage children to play, develop and learn.

‘We want to show the strength of feeling across the country to help us to lobby the Chancellor in the run up to his Budget announcement later this month.

‘We only have two days left until the deadline, so please help us reach our target of 10,000.
‘Thank you to all those who have already signed up, please encourage your colleagues and parents to do the same. Together we can do it.’