
Last chance to apply for PhD bursary

Management Careers & Training
There are just a few days left to apply for a PhD bursary in the field of early years education, offered by the Centre for Research in Early Childhood (CREC), in Birmingham.

The bursary is tenable for up to three years for a part-time or full-time PhD or MPhil, at a UK university and CREC will contribute up to £12,000 towards tuition fees. Students will be required to fund any difference between the bursary and the university fee rate.

Applicants should provide:

  • A full CV, including professional and academic career to date
  • A rationale and outlineof proposed area of study, including impact and dissemination plans
  • A summary of why they wish to undertake study at advanced (doctoral) level and what benefits they hope their study will bring personally, and to the early childhood education field, and also to CREC.

Applications should be submitted to Sean Delaney

CREC is sponsoring the third BECERA conference which till take place on 20 and 21 February 2013. Practitioner researchers are invited to submit proposals for presentations and there will be keynote speeches from Dr Elly Singer and Professors Chris Pascal and Tony Bertram. More information at