
Improve your practice

Birth to Three Matters has provided settings with a welcome framework on which to base good practice but more staff training on caring for the very young is proving essential ACORN CHILDCARE TRAINING
Birth to Three Matters has provided settings with a welcome framework on which to base good practice but more staff training on caring for the very young is proving essential


* Birth to Three Matters: one-day course covering what Birth to Three Matters means, and how it can be used in everyday practice.

* Activities for the under-twos: one-day course for practitionersnew to this age group. Topicsinclude play and development, heuristic play, treasure basketsand evaluating equipment.

* Activities for the under-twos - advanced: one-day course for experienced carers. Topics similar to those above.

* Activities for the under-threes: one-day course for newcomers to early years care. Topics similar to those above.


* Advanced practice in working with babies: Crechendo has been validated to run this CACHE course.


* Treasure baskets and heuristic play: one-day course

* Planning quality experiences for under-threes: one-day course looking at ways to create a positive learning environment and experiences for babies and toddlers.

* Patterns of play - recognising and supporting children's schemas: one-day course to understand and incorporate children's schemas in practice.


* Caring for babies: exploringthe social, emotional and learning needs of babies and very young children: three-session course integrating issues about gender, ethnicity and children with special needs.

* Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of babies and young children: provides basic information about child abuse and how to respond to concerns about a child's safety. It considers the importance of attachment and resilience, possible signs and indicators of child abuse.

* Securing positive outcomes: assessing the impact of severe parental difficulties on babies and young children.

* Positive approaches to communication and supporting language development with babies and very young children: a practical course looking at how to provide a language-rich environment using a child's everyday experiences. Can be run for one day or on a sessional basis.


* Celebrating Children Birth to Three: the one-day workshop aims to illustrate through practical activities the ideas and principles within the new document and to highlight the current research and national publications.


* Curriculum implementation - babies and toddlers, tender care and early learning: ten-day course delivered over ten months enabling participants to introduce the approach gradually into their work.


* Baby care for nannies: one-day course for nannies, maternity nurses, nursery nurses and new parents. Topics include general care, bedtime routines and sleeping, feeding, colic and reflux, interaction with siblings and minor ailments.

* Childcare approval induction course: two days (12 hours). Courses held at weekends. Designed for childcarers needing to complete an induction in order to apply to become an Approved Childcarer.

* Emergency paediatric first aid:Course covers managing an incident, first-aid kits, unconscious casualties, choking, resuscitation, bleeding and burns. Directed at treating young babies and children up to seven years.

* The maternity nanny practitioner: two-and-a-half days' formal teaching, plus pre-reading and post-course assessment for experienced professionals. Leads to a formally accredited qualification in Maternity Nursing on successful completion. Covers the care of newborns and postnatal mothers, and how to gain employment in the maternity sector. This course does not cover basics such as bathing and bottlefeeding.

* Postnatal depression: one-day course covering the condition, signs and symptoms, risk factors for PND, how to support sufferers and their families and accessing help.

* Care of multiples: one-day course covering caring for twins and multiple births, premature and other special-care babies, including feeding and sleeping and establishing routines.

* Sleep training: one-day course covering normal and healthy sleep habits and sleep problems.


* Infant toddler course: part-time and distance-learning course designed to develop a high level of professional competence in students wishing to extend their training as facilitators of the Montessori method for children.


The National Childbirth Trust (NCT) provides information and practical support on all aspects of pregnancy, childbirth and early parenthood. It has 400 branches and its training arm is NHS ConNeCT, which runs workshops around the country.


The NCB runs a variety of courses mainly tailored for organisations but also holds a range of workshops for the general public.


* Planning a developmental play-based curriculum for children from birth to two: one-day course looking at children's developmental needs and how to meet these through a flexible play-based curriculum. The Birth to Three Matters' framework is an integral part of this course.

* Creating a learning environment for children from birth to two: one-day course on how to create a stimulating environment that motivates children to use selected resources to facilitate learning.


* Working with under-threes: 7.5-hour course examining the developing skills of babies and toddlers with regard to play materials.

* The High/Scope curriculum implementation course: A ten full-day course delivered over a period of approximately ten months, aimed at those working with infants and toddlers.


* Working with babies/under twos: a two-day course covering play, the developing mind, activities.

* Holistic and heuristic play: one-day course covering the principles of these types of play and ideas.


* Good practice in the provision of care and education for children between birth and three: a ten-hour course covering topics such as child development, the role of the carer in supporting babies' and children's wellbeing, appropriate play activities, how to help babies and young children to benefit from the social experience of group care.

* Good practice in the provision of care and education for children between birth and three: six-hour workshop for staff in supervisory roles. Topics include understanding and responding to children, care routines and play activities that promote babies' and children's wellbeing.

The school of infant mental health

* Home visiting: two-day workshop on reaching out to babies and families where they live.

* Foundation course: 16 hours' introduction to infant mental health and parent-infant psychotherapy.

* Infant research and infant psychiatry: 30 hours each, led by research psychologists, observation-based seminars covering normal and deviant mental development of infants.


* Birth to three: six-hour course considering the importance of early experiences on children's development.

* Heuristic play including treasure baskets - Birth to Three framework link: one-day course designed to help develop an understanding of the power of heuristic play. Considers heuristic play in relation to the Birth to Three Matters framework.

* Baby practitioner: one-day course reflecting on care needs for babies.

* Social, emotional and learning needs of babies

* Social skills of birth to three years

* Story sacks for the under-threes

stepping stones training

A range of courses looking at the environment, planning and observation.


Various courses to support the Birth to Three Matters framework.

* Introduction to the framework: how to use the framework in a setting.

* A skilful communicator: how to extend language opportunities.

* A strong child: understanding the key principles.