
Having a great time whatever the weather

Early years settings around the country sent us their pictures showing how they enjoyed last week's memorable snowfall.

Nurseries stayed open last week while the heaviest snowfall for 20 yearswas forcing many schools around the country to close. Amid traffic chaosin London on Monday, 2 February, many of Westminster Children'sSociety's 18 community nurseries opened.

Chief executive June O'Sullivan praised her staff teams and said, 'Whileit was far from easy for most of our staff to struggle into work in suchextreme weather, we were conscious that parents rely on us.'

Nursery trainee Carla Simpson at WCS's Carlton Hill nursery said, 'Thechildren loved making snowmen and having snow fights, feeling thetexture of ice on their hands.'

Happy Child Nursery in West Ealing, London, opened for half a day.Nursery manager Michelle Alexander said, 'Luckily, one team member droveand picked us all up.'

Staff arrived on foot at Amberley Nursery, Bexhill. Manager Lois Streetssaid, 'Children spread salt on the paths and were amazed as the snow andice literally disappeared before their eyes!'

Caron Pardoe, Childcare Corporation marketing manager, said, 'Despitetransport disruption we opened and provided hot meals, thanks to thededication of our staff.'

Ross Brown, four, made an igloo at Little Acorns, Northampton. ManagerBecky Gasson said, 'Because of his igloo the children have been askingquestions about different types of housing, so we will be looking atthis over the next few weeks.'

At Clifton Tots Nursery children spent the whole day outside. ManagerMarcella Cunningham said, 'Lots of parents called to see if we wereclosing early but because four of us live quite locally it was not aproblem.'