
Fun and games

Whizz Play a fun game to improve children's co-ordination.

Play a fun game to improve children's co-ordination.

Child development opportunities

* To improve whole-brain learning skills and general well being by co-ordinating movement between opposite hands and knees.

* To pick up a new rhyme.

* To listen carefully and respond to a new command quickly.

* To have fun.

How to play

* Sit in a circle on the floor facing each other.

* Practise lifting the left knee in front of your body and touching it with the right hand, then change to lifting the right knee and touching it with the left hand.

* Introduce the rhyme and practise making the actions: One, two (Touch the left knee with the right hand.) One, two (Touch the right knee with the left hand.) Hands Whizz (Clap both hands together and lift them above the body.) And over to you (Whizz the hands in the direction of another child as you say his or her name.)

* All the children say the first three lines of the rhyme making the actions.

* One child is chosen to say 'And over to you' and choose another child.

* The child selected then starts the game again and says, 'And over to you'.

* The game continues until most of the children have had a chance to say the line and choose a child.

* There is no winner or loser.


* Begin by saying only the first three lines of the rhyme together.

* The first time you play, say the last line yourself.

* As children get used to playing, quicken the speed.

For more games, see Acker Backa BOO! - Games to Say and Play From Around the World by Opal Dunn (Frances Lincoln, 10.99) Opal Dunn. The author disclaims responsibility for any adverse effects resulting directly or indirectly from the game outlined.