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Understanding early years policy By Peter Baldock, Damien Fitzgerald and Janet Kay (Paul Chapman, 18.99, 1-4129-1028-5, 020 7324 8500) Reviewed by Jennie Lindon, psychologist and early years consultant
Understanding early years policy By Peter Baldock, Damien Fitzgerald and Janet Kay (Paul Chapman, 18.99, 1-4129-1028-5, 020 7324 8500)

Reviewed by Jennie Lindon, psychologist and early years consultant

It is important that early years professionals of all backgrounds have a grasp of current policy and legislation. These authors have aimed to describe the broad framework of policy and primary legislation. They have usefully worked to show how policy tends to be developed and who is likely to influence the details. There is a sense of the arguments and weighing of different interests that lie behind the emergence of a finished document or law.

The detailed case study of the proposals in Every Child Matters offers a helpful example to ground the wealth of detail. The chapters that follow could well help readers to reflect on what happens to real children and families as the result of policies.

The authors' scope is limited by only taking examples from England, despite using the term 'UK' quite often in the book. Policy has been influenced by knowledge of what is happening just across the internal borders. One example is how English professionals, with an eye on Scotland, pushed for a redraft of the Foundation Stage guidance. A revised edition might consider this improvement.