
For your file

Animal sounds Key learning intentions
Animal sounds

Key learning intentions

Language and literacy


* Card * old magazines * a small box Step by step

* Sing the song 'Old Macdonald had a farm' with the children.

* Talk about the different noises made by animals on a farm or in a zoo.

Discuss the sounds made by other animals - for example, a lion (roar), a snake (hiss), a budgie (tweet) and so on.

* When the children are confident with the sounds, get them to cut pictures of the different animals in their song from magazines and stick them on to squares of card.

* Place these cards in a small box and gather the children in a circle.

Pass the box around the circle and invite the children, one at a time, to select one of the cards and make the appropriate sound.

* As an extension, make sets of three cards of each animal. Take the children to a large, open space and distribute the cards to the children so that they get one each.

* Explain to the children that they should move around the room making the sound of the animal on their card.

* Encourage them to find the rest of their 'family' by listening to the sounds other 'animals' are making. The children should sit in a small group when they have found the other two members of their family.