
Finding suitable childcare in Northern Ireland

Finding suitable childcare has been cited by parents seeking work in Northern Ireland as the biggest barrier to securing employment, according to a report published by a newly established charity, Employers for Childcare. In the report, The Childcare Barrier: Is Childcare the most Prohibitive Factor for Women in Northern Ireland?, half the respondents said that the search for suitable childcare was the biggest problem they faced, while 17 per cent reported that costs were the most prohibitive factor. Other barriers included transport, filling in application forms, a lack of confidence in their own abilities and preparation for interviews, while the length of their previous unemployment was also reported to be an impediment.
Finding suitable childcare has been cited by parents seeking work in Northern Ireland as the biggest barrier to securing employment, according to a report published by a newly established charity, Employers for Childcare.

In the report, The Childcare Barrier: Is Childcare the most Prohibitive Factor for Women in Northern Ireland?, half the respondents said that the search for suitable childcare was the biggest problem they faced, while 17 per cent reported that costs were the most prohibitive factor. Other barriers included transport, filling in application forms, a lack of confidence in their own abilities and preparation for interviews, while the length of their previous unemployment was also reported to be an impediment.