
Feely bags

Try a game that will challenge children's tactile senses, concentration, memory and matching abilities. Planned learning intention
Try a game that will challenge children's tactile senses, concentration, memory and matching abilities.

Planned learning intention

To investigate objects and materials using the sense of touch


Home-made material bags a range of pairs of everyday items that are non-perishable (for example, keys, marbles, coins, sharpeners, fir cones, Lego bricks, mussel shells, small bars of soap, whistles, nuts and bolts)

Step by step

* Buy a piece of remnant material. Use the material to make small bags about 10cm by 10cm.

* Place each of the everyday items gathered into a separate small bag.

* Sew up the fourth side of the bag.

* Mix the bags up. Encourage the children to find the matching bags that contain the pair of similar items.

* As an extension, place all the bags on a table top. Let each child pick up two of the bags and feel their contents to see if they match. If they do not, they should be returned to the table. The children should be encouraged to remember where they placed them so that if they find the partner of a bag they have already felt, they can immediately locate it to make a pair. The person with the most pairs at the end of the game wins.