
Family and Childcare Trust launches

The Family and Childcare Trust is the new name for the Daycare Trust and the Family and Parenting Institute.

The change of name follows the merger of the two charities in January.

Chief executive Anand Shukla said, ‘Our new name reflects our intention to build on the strengths of both charities by maintaining a focus on the issue of childcare within a broader context of other pressures facing families.’

He added, ‘As one organisation we are very excited to combine our reach, resources, expertise and passion for making a difference for families in the UK.’

A new brand identity and website will be developed during the summer.

The Trust will focus on three main areas of work: carrying out research to understand family life and childcare, campaigning for change in policy and with employers to make life easier for families with children, information and innovation - providing information to parents and finding new ways to support families.

The charity is also launching the first area of research carried out by the Trust since the merger, a study with Ipsos MORI following families in austerity.

Mr Shukla said, ‘The work makes so clear the urgent need to address a range of issues faced by families with children.’

The Trust’s other work for the year includes:

  • Campaigning for affordable, accessible, high quality childcare and family-friendly policies
  • Helping build a family friendly UK through our Family Friendly scheme
  • Offering peer-to-peer support to parents through our Parent Champions programme
  • Supporting the work of the National Association of Family Information Services

Read about the austerity research here.