
Experts consider plan to vaccinate all children against flu

All children would be offered the flu vaccination in the form of nose drops, if plans being considered are given the go ahead.

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), an independent panel of experts who advise the Government, are considering whether to recommend that all healthy children under 17-years-old are vaccinated against flu to reduce the spread of the virus.

At the moment only children who are considered at risk from the virus receive the vaccination.

The move follows a request from health secretary Andrew Lansley to look at whether the flu vaccination programme should be extended.

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation is currently reviewing evidence regarding the benefits of vaccinating all children. They have already assessed a study by the Health Protection Agency which suggested that it might be cost effective to extend the vaccination programme. They are expected to reach a final decision next year.

David Salisbury, the Government’s director of immunisation, said, ‘The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation has said it is unable at this stage to recommend an extension of the flu vaccination programme as it needs further evidence.

‘Extending the vaccination programme to all healthy children under 17 would be a huge undertaking, increasing the number of people who get the vaccine, so it is important that we get this decision absolutely right.

'A key consideration will be the availability, as the JCVI concluded, of a flu vaccine, given as nose drops, that would be more effective in protecting children against flu. But we need to understand from vaccine manufacturers how and when they would be able to produce the vaccine in the quantities we need.

‘In the meantime, we continue to recommend that people in at risk groups, 65s and over and pregnant women do get vaccinated – they are the most at risk from suffering complications. The JCVI is clear that is the current priority.’