
Director wants Primary Review to be seen in positive light

Negative views of children as only victims, problems or threats should give way to a more positive one that empowers them and builds on what they can do as learners and social beings, the director of the Primary Review said last week. Robin Alexander told a conference organised by the General Teaching Council that empowerment bridges children's well-being, primary education and rights and is 'an educational cause well worth fighting for'.

He criticised sections of the media for highlighting negative aspects of the Primary Review's 23 reports, which had 'prompted a more hostile response from the Government' than was justified by their content.

Child poverty represented one of the education system's biggest challenges, he said, as educational 'underachievement' as defined by SATs scores conformed with other inequalities in wealth, health, social mobility and risk and opportunity.

The review had heard of 'widespread concern' that many children were under 'excessive pressure' in school from 'an overcrowded curriculum, a high-stakes national testing regime' and teachers' anxiety about league tables and inspection.

Professor Alexander added that it was adult values that rammed 'celebrity' down children's throats and created junk food that caused obesity.

It was vital for practitioners 'to engage with and listen to children, not just talk at them'.