
DfE parents' survey re-ignites fears over ratio changes

A new Department for Education survey asking parents for their opinions on staff:child ratios has raised concern among the sector that there will be a renewed push for a relaxation.

Last week, the Department for Education put a message on Twitter and Facebook asking for parents of three- and four-year-olds who attend PVI settings for their views on qualifications of staff in their nursery and about the number of adults to children.

The survey of ten questions asks parents whether they know the qualification levels of staff at their child’s nursery and the ratio of staff to children, and what they think the ratio should be.

Other questions include: ‘Does the number of staff compared to the number of children concern you?’, ‘If staffing levels changed, would it influence you to change your child’s nursery?’, and ‘Do you think it’s important to have staff qualified to graduate level?’

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