
DfE confirms timetable for revised Early Years Foundation Stage

Schools will be able to adopt the revised early years goals in the EYFS a year before early years settings from September 2020.

The revised EYFS is not due for implementation until September 2021, but Nursery World understands that the Department for Education is planning to allow schools to adopt the reforms a year early in September 2020 on a voluntary basis.

The draft of the revised early learning goals has been piloted this year in a small sample of 25 schools and will finish at the end of this term.

A DfE spokesperson said, ‘Following the Primary Assessment Consultation in 2017, a pilot is currently underway and an evaluation of the pilot will be published later in the year.

‘The revised Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is expected to be implemented on a statutory basis from September 2021.

Following the pilot the evaluation is expected to be published in the autumn and to be followed by a public consultation.

The sector is also awaiting publication of new guidance on the new framework, which is currently being developed.

Timetable: Revised EYFS and Early Learning Goals

March 2017: Primary assessment consultation takes place.

June 2018: DfE releases new ELGs and confirms pilot will take place in 25 schools in the autumn term.

DfE announces that the Education Endowment Foundation, National Centre for Social Research and Action for Children will be delivering the independent evaluation of the pilot to trial the revisions to the EYFS Profile from September – July 2019.

September 2018: Pilot of the revised draft statutory framework and the ELGS starts in Reception classes in the schools.

July 2019: Pilot ends. Schools taking part in the pilot are exempt from elements of the existing EYFS Profile while they test a revised version at the end of the summer term.

Autumn 2019: Evaluation of the pilot due to be published.

End 2019: Public consultation on the revised EYFS to take place. DfE has said that it will work closely with the early years sector on this.

September 2021: Implementation of the revised EYFS.