
Coronavirus: Scotland issues guidance ahead of reopening of nurseries

Childcare providers in Scotland have been issued with new guidance to help plan for reopening settings once it is deemed safe to do so.
Resources such as sand, water and playdough should only be used by one cohort of children, the Scottish guidance says
Resources such as sand, water and playdough should only be used by one cohort of children, the Scottish guidance says

Childminders and fully outdoor nurseries have been open for all children since 3 June but other childcare settings need to wait until Phase 3 of Scotland’s four-part ‘route map’ for decision making before opening to children other than those who are vulnerable or in key worker families. In the meantime, the non-statutory guidance has been developed to provide clarity and key principles for consideration by childcare providers. Core public health measures needed to allow safe reopening include:

Children’s minister Maree Todd said, ‘We all want our youngest children to be back enjoying their nurseries and playing with friends as soon as possible. However, the safety of children and staff must come first, so nurseries and other childcare settings can only fully reopen when public health advice tells us it is safe to do so.

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