
Coronavirus: Government launches campaign to reassure parents schools are safe

The Government has today launched its #backtoschoolsafely campaign to reassure parents that schools are ready for all children to return in September.
The Government's #backtoschoolsafely campaign has been launched today (17 August)
The Government's #backtoschoolsafely campaign has been launched today (17 August)

It comes after teaching unions were accused of thwarting Government plans to fully reopen schools next month with a checklist of 200 demands to be met.

Launched by the education secretary Gavin Williamson, the campaign is being publicised via radio adverts, newspapers and billboard adverts.

Its aim is to increase confidence among parents that their children will be safe returning to education. All schools have received Public Health England (PHE) endorsed guidance on protective measures they should implement to be as safe as possible and reduce the risk of transmission of coronavirus, which include:

  • Introducing staggered break times.
  • Increased hygiene and handwashing.
  • Pupils not mixing with other year groups.

According to the latest research from the Office of National Statistics (ONS), there is growing confidence among parents that their children will return to school in September.


The education secretary Gavin Williamson said, ‘The Government is committed to doing everything necessary to deliver on our national priority of all students returning to schools and colleges in September.

‘All children deserve to be back in school as it is the best place for their education and well-being. I know families are growing more confident that schools and colleges are ready and waiting to get back to teaching, with the right protective measures in place.

‘As the start of term approaches, now is the time for families to think about the practicalities of returning to school in September, whether that’s reassuring themselves that school is the best place for their child to be, or planning the school run to avoid public transport where possible.

Chief Medical Officer Professor Chris Whitty added, ‘Education is essential for a child’s development so it is crucial we get children safely back to school in September.

‘A number of important risk reduction measures have been put in place to help students and teachers return to school with confidence.’

Responding to the campaign, Labour's shadow education secretary Kate Green said, 'Labour has repeatedly called for every child to be safely back in school by September, but it has taken the Government until now to realise that it has failed to reassure parents and teachers.

'Their slow and chaotic handling of school reopening puts the education and well-being of a generation of children at risk.

'We need to see a credible plan for getting children back next month, which includes getting test, trace and isolate up to scratch, and ensuring pupils and staff are safe and feel confident.'