
Colourful creations

Use this activity to help the children discover and explore what happens when they mix two different colours together. Resources
Use this activity to help the children discover and explore what happens when they mix two different colours together.


Crepe paper, A3 piece of cartridge paper, a water canister

Step by step

* Cut strips of crepe paper approximately 20cm by 1cm. Cut as many different colours as possible.

* Invite the children to gather about 15 of the cut strands of crepe paper. Staple or knot the collated strands.

* Encourage the children to spread their bunch of crepe paper strands randomly over an A3 piece of cartridge paper. Alternatively, individual strands can be scattered over the cartridge paper.

* Let the children spray water over the crepe paper using a water canister used for mistspraying plants.

* Leave to dry and lift off the bunch of crepe paper. Encourage the children to look closely at the 'bleeding' effect.

* Draw the children's attention to areas where the colours have mixed. Ask the children what colour they can see where the yellow and blue, or the yellow and red have mixed, and so on.

* Use this as a stimulus for children to start mixing their own colours when they are painting.

* Frame the children's colourful creations and add them to a display about colour mixing.