
Childminders set up for communication

A new training programme will show childminders how to adapt their environment to improve children's speaking and listening skills, using a 50,000 grant from the Children's Workforce Development Council.

Early years consultant Elizabeth Jarman, in partnership with theNational Childminding Association, will develop the programme,'Communication Friendly Spaces: Improving children's speaking andlistening skills', over the next year.

Ms Jarman will train NCMA members in disseminating best practice,looking at how noise, light, colour and space influence children'severyday environment and affect speaking and listening abilities.

Ms Jarman said, 'In Phase 1 we will be developing pilot materials andpiloting training in two childminding networks to see what deliveryworks best. Delegate materials will include activities, hand-outs andrecommendations of resources. The training will be very interactive, areally good balance between theory and practice.'

In Phase 2 she will train nine NCMA members to deliver the course ineach of the nine national regions.

'We envisage it will eventually be a two-day residential trainingprogramme and want to roll it out by July next year so it will beavailable for local authorities to buy into,' Ms Jarman added.