
Childminders more likely to stay open than nurseries, survey suggests

More than a third of nurseries and around half of childminders have stayed open for keyworkers and vulnerable children, a survey suggests.
More childminders than nurseries have stayed open during the lockdown, a survey suggests
More childminders than nurseries have stayed open during the lockdown, a survey suggests

The latest statistics from the Ceeda Covid-19 data portal show that between 11-15 May, 37 per cent of day nurseries and pre-schools were open to key workers and vulnerable children.

The research is based on 711 nurseries and pre-schools and 690 childminders who registered their data on the portal. The statistics do not include information on provision in maintained nursery schools and schools.

Among group settings, the highest headcount recorded on one day during that week was 38 children attending a day nursery on 11 May.

The average headcount of key worker children was 7.73.

The highest head count for vulnerable children attending a setting was 10, and the average daily headcount across all open providers was one vulnerable child per setting.

Source: Ceeda Covid-19 Data Portal

¹: Does not include maintained nursery schools and schools


The research found that 52 per cent of childminders were open between 11 – 15 May.

The highest daily headcount in childminder provision for keyworker children was 9 on Thursday 14 May. The average per day across the week was 1.27.

The highest headcount for vulnerable children was 2 on Wednesday 13 May.

The data in percentage terms is similar to that of the previous week, 4 – 8 May when 37 per cent of nurseries and pre-schools were open, and 51 per cent of childminders. This was based on 673 nurseries and pre-schools and 674 childminders who logged their data on the Covid-19 portal.

Source: Ceeda Covid-19 Data Portal

DfE statistics

Meanwhile, the latest official Government statistics, Coronavirus (Covid-19): attendance in educational early years settings in England, estimate that as of 14 May, 80,000 children were attending early years settings, about 5 per cent of the

Number of children who usually attend childcare in term time.

The DfE said that 17,500 educational settings provided a response to the survey on 14 May, representing 71 per cent of all settings.

The statistics show:

  • The response rate to the local authority survey on early year settings was 92 per cent, with 139 out of 151 local authorities submitting data by 6pm on Thursday 14 May.
  • An estimated 25,000 settings are open. This represents 36 per cent of all settings, with 56 per cent closed and 8 per cent unknown.