
Childminders banned from drop-offs at schools

Reports that some schools and nurseries are banning childminders from dropping off and collecting children from their premises has led to a petition calling on the Government to clarify the issue.
Some schools have banned childminders from playgrounds
Some schools have banned childminders from playgrounds

The petition started by Ian Ward, which has been signed by nearly 8,000 people, states that, ‘A lack of clarity in [Department for Education] guidance in relation to the coronavirus outbreak has led to some schools and nurseries and even some local authorities unilaterally declaring that childminders are banned from dropping off and picking up children from their premises.’

He is concerned that the ban will impact on childminding businesses’ financial viability and also make it difficult for parents to find childcare, particularly during school holidays and at weekends.

The Professional Association for Childcarers (PACEY) chief executive Liz Bayram warns that ‘banning childminders from school playgrounds helps no one’ and that it is not a recommendation in the Government guidance. She points out that childminders, like parents, will be maintaining social distancing measures to reduce the risk to themselves and the children in their care from contracting the virus.

‘We’re asking head teachers to use their professional judgement and to recognise that childminders’ presence at schools is necessary,’ she said. ‘They should be treated no differently to the parents or relatives collecting other children attending school. Childminders play a vital role in ensuring that parents and carers can return to work. We know that our members are clearly following government guidance and taking every possible step to minimise the risk of spreading the virus in their settings. 

‘Childminders like all other childcare providers have taken a huge hit financially to their businesses yet many have continued to care for key workers’ and vulnerable children whilst others have stayed in touch with their families to provide support for home learning. They need every possible assistance to sustain their businesses so they can continue to provide a vital service to children and families.’

A childminder signing the petition stated, ‘Childminders were deemed safe enough to support multiple keyworker families during the Covid-19 crisis. We need your support now to tell schools we are ready to support the nation in its return to the new normal.’

A Department for Education spokesperson said, 'Schools and childminders should work together to ensure transmission risks are reduced where parents need to use childminders for wrap around care. We have also published detailed guidance on the protective measures childminders should take to reduce the risk of transmission and will be keeping this under review in line with wider government coronavirus measures.'