
Childminders are outstanding

By Gill Haynes, chief executive of the National Childminding Association Ofsted has published the first 1,200 daycare and childminding inspection reports, using its new inspection framework. Of the 16 providers judged outstanding, 14 were registered childminders, all bar one of them NCMA members. Of course quality is more than just a grading. The parents I have met say they chose childminding because their child has fun, feels nurtured in a home-like, caring environment, and often they are cared for with their siblings.
By Gill Haynes, chief executive of the National Childminding Association Ofsted has published the first 1,200 daycare and childminding inspection reports, using its new inspection framework. Of the 16 providers judged outstanding, 14 were registered childminders, all bar one of them NCMA members.

Of course quality is more than just a grading. The parents I have met say they chose childminding because their child has fun, feels nurtured in a home-like, caring environment, and often they are cared for with their siblings.

Independent research shows quality childcare is about favourable ratios, stability, responsive care-giving and training. Registered childminders and nannies care for smaller numbers of children at any one time than most centre-based settings, making them better placed to respond to a child's individual needs.

Most registered childminders build strong relationships with the parents.

New parents seek advice from their childminder on everything from baby's sleepless nights to working tax credit.

High quality home-based childcare for babies and young children should be supported by the following core requirements:

* A robust regulatory and inspection framework demanding high minimum standards

* Support and mentoring for childminders at the beginning of their career (NCMA's Support Childminding schemes)

* Continuous professional support and development

* A strong framework of training that commits to qualification levels. For example, by 2015, all childminders should be required to achieve a Level 3 qualification within five years of registration

* Funding to deliver all the above that ensures local workforce strategies are accessible to home-based childcarers.

My vision is that by 2015 all registered childminders are part of a Children Come First childminding network linked to a children's centre as part of a fully integrated children's workforce.