
Birthday cakes

THIS WEEK... Project outline

Project outline


Launching a project on how we all started out Help the children to develop their counting and number recognition skills.

Planned learning intention

Mathematical development


Empty margarine tubs poster paint PVA glue felt tipped pens straws a compass or metal skewer

Step by step

* Collect a number of empty margarine tubs of different shapes.

* Wash the tubs out with warm soapy water.

* Paint the tubs with a mixture of white poster paint and PVA glue.

* When the base coat is dry, decorate the tubs like birthday cakes.

* On the side of each 'cake' write a number between 1 and 10.

* Make ten small holes on top of the 'cake' using a pointed instrument - for example, a compass or metal skewer.

* Cut straws into 5cm lengths to look like birthday cake candles.

* Gather the children in a small group and explain that you are going to introduce them to a new game.

* Invite the children to choose a 'cake' and place the appropriate number of 'candles' on top of the cake to match the number on the side.