
Arty angels

THIS WEEK... Project outline

Project outline

The Selfish Giant

Measure up a new project

Mini topic

Stepping stones

Materials for fine motor skills

Help the children to make colourful angel prints this Christmas.

Planned learning intention

Creative development


Poster paint in various colours potatoes A4 white card shallow trays sequins pipe cleaners

Step by step

* Gather the children in a small group and talk to them about the significance of angels at Christmas time. Share the story of the Angel Gabriel telling Mary God's news.

* Explain to the children that everyone is going to make a picture of an angel.

* Invite them to dip a potato cut in half into one of the different skin-coloured paints and print it on to the middle of a sheet of white A4 card to represent the angel's head.

* Encourage each child to place their foot in the tray of blue paint, and then make a footprint to represent the angel's clothes under the potato print.

* Ask the children to dip their hands into the tray of yellow paint to make handprints for the angel's wings on either side of the face.

* Allow the children to add eyes, a mouth, hair and a halo using sequins, shiny pipe cleaners and other 'sparkly' craft materials.