
Young Leaders: How I got to the top

Harry Mills, age 27, is chief brand officer for Cherubs Nurseries, which operates ten settings

When and how did you get here?

My career in early years started back in 2012, when I completed my NVQ Level 3 in Childcare. Wanting to diversify, I moved across to head office – initially working in marketing and advertising. I progressed to brand manager, before chief brand officer. The position is incredibly diverse, which is something that keeps my passion and drive continually renewed. One day I am supporting with a nursery acquisition and the next I'm throwing ideas around with my team for our next viral TikTok!

Did you always aspire to work in management?

I never thought about a career in early years, however, seeing the impact we have on the future generation is inspiring and humbling. It takes a village to build a child! As Cherubs Nurseries has grown I have been fortunate to take advantage of lots of opportunities and experiences.

What challenges have you faced as a young manager/leader and how have you overcome these?

I have faced many challenges, including people expecting me to be older or confused to see a male working in the sector. I have often thought I needed to work harder and be better than my colleagues to prove myself. However, I have found that the challenges I have faced have actually become my personal unique selling points.

What advice would you give someone aspiring to reach the top at a young age?

To never lose your passion and drive to succeed. The sector can be tough and sometimes it might seem like you're getting nowhere fast – but every now and again remember to check in with yourself to see how far you've come and give yourself a pat on the back. Your unique passion and skillset will be just what a nursery (or group) needs to take them to the next level.

Definitely have a five-year plan too – having goals to work towards and a career trajectory in mind will help you get to where you want to go.