
Work Matters: Continuing Professional Development - How to be cultured

Careers & Training
A group is trying to boost the role of museums in children's learning, explains Karen Faux.

Museums, Libraries and Archives (MLA) is running a programme of continuing professional development activities, bringing together those who work in museums, galleries and archives with educators. The aim is to strengthen the role of museums and galleries in children's learning and development, and enhance the way they are used by practitioners, teachers and children.

Launched in September and running to next March, the programme will provide more than 2,000 opportunities for professionals to participate in workshops, seminars and mentoring activities that focus on Common Core skills. These include areas such as effective communication and engagement, safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the child, and sharing information.

Each English region has been given a different area to focus on. In the West Midlands, for example, activities will centre on science; in London and the South East on safeguarding; and in the South West on extended services.

Jennifer Bone, strategic commissioning project manager, says, 'It's all about engaging children in scientific enquiry, and we hope that the mix of attendees will promote an understanding of how teaching and learning about science can be supported by museums. Our event at the Ironbridge Gorge Museum in Telford will feature case studies, presentations and hands-on activity. For attendees it is also an opportunity to network and find out about funding and resources.'

A seminar in London in December will provide a practical look at how culture and children's services can meet the Local Area Agreement national indication targets N1 54 (services for disabled children) and N1110 (positive activities for young people).

Samantha Cairns, development manager for learning and skills at MLA, says, 'For those working with children there will be plenty of new ideas for how they can use us to enhance areas of learning.

'We hope attendees will make lots of useful contacts to help them put ideas into practice.'

E-mail: cpd@mla.gov.uk

Visit: www.mla.gov.uk/what/programmes/commissioning/CPD