
Training Today: Continuing Professional Development - Up for review

Existing skills gaps will be brought into sharp focus by the new integrated review in September. Hannah Crown identifies the areas to consider for investment in training.

The Government is very keen on early intervention - working in childhood to prevent the social and health problems that can be costly and damaging in later life. Add to that the importance of the age two to two-and-a-half developmental stage, and a nationwide increase in the number of health visitors, and you have the recipe for the integrated review.

It will be rolled out from September and combines the existing Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) progress check and the health and development review at age two carried out by health visitors under the Healthy Child Programme.

The integrated review itself is not statutory, but meeting the requirements of these constituent parts is. It includes the three prime areas from the EYFS, learning/cognitive development and physical health, and the wider context, including the child's family life. Parents then 'own' all associated documents in the Personal Child Health Record or 'red book'.

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