
Training & Resources - In the know

A guide to training events, organisations, research, articles and books on child, adult and staff well-being. By Hannah Crown


Child well-being

Exploring Well-being In The Early Years (Early Education) – a one-day event considering ways in which well-being can be described, observed and assessed. It draws upon recent research and existing measures of well-being, involvement and engagement.


Young Minds is a charity offering a range of courses, including Promoting Positive Mental Health In The Early Years.



The Institute of Well-being is running the Supporting Early Years Workforce Quality – Inclusion and Well-being Project. This is aimed at early years practitioners and covers inclusive practice, well-being, closing the attainment gap and addressing barriers to the two-year-old free hours entitlement. Learn how well-being inclusive practice is a vital early intervention that can increase social mobility, and understand how to implement inclusive well-being practice in your own setting.



Family Foundations is a Parents, Early Years and Learning (PEAL) course for all those wanting to help parents support young children’s development, learning, health and well-being. This five-day flexible course has been developed in the context of the current emphasis in recent national policy developments on the need for increased support for child development; putting parents and families at the heart of services; the importance of intervening early; and the role of different services working together to ensure that families receive early help where and when needed.



Supporting children’s emotional well-being – PACEY’s online course exploring the importance of positive relationships, secure attachments and the factors that can affect children’s personal, social and emotional development.



Pen Green teaching school alliance has run courses on well-being, including ‘Well-being and involvement’.



The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust provides a range of CPD, under-graduate and post-graduate courses linked to infant, early years and family mental health, including ‘Child, adolescent and family mental well-being: multidisciplinary practice (D24)’. Both online and on-site courses are available.



Drawing and Talking is a method of therapy to help children who have suffered trauma or who have underlying emotional difficulties that may be affecting their learning and behaviour. Its roots stem from Dr John Allan’s Serial Drawing technique.



Adult well-being

Moodmasters programmes are provided by the Association of Psychological Therapies, which also provides courses for qualified mental health professionals. They are based on cognitive behavioural therapy and incorporate elements of compassion-focused thinking and acceptance and commitment therapy.



Mindfulness in the Workplace is a one-day course from Family Action to explain mindfulness and how it applies in working life, and to provide effective tools to help you practise mindfulness to reduce stress and anxiety.



Resilience coursesfor teams and leaders are available from Jersey-based The Resilience Development Company, written by a counsellor and government adviser Emma Ogilvy who describes them as a mixture of ‘psychology, neuroscience, leadership and management theory’. It consists of seven 90-minute modules across seven weeks and uses group work and self-reflection.




Measuring national well-being: Life in the UK: 2016 – the Office for National Statistics’ fourth annual snapshot of life in the UK across the ten domains of national well-being. See http://bit.ly/1RldoH0.

A guide to evaluating wellbeing in schools and nurseries, part of Scotland’s Getting It Right for Every Child strategy. See http://bit.ly/1TCl37g.

Measuring mental wellbeing in children and young people, http://bit.ly/1OeTP4u(now part of Public Health England).

Parenting and the different ways it can affect children’s lives: research evidence, a Joseph Rowntree report, is available to read at http://bit.ly/1XuIGkB.

The impact of early childhood education and care on improved wellbeing – by Edward Melhuish, Professor at Birkbeck, University of London. See http://bit.ly/1WQW1Fq.

Promoting Children’s Emotional Health by Rachel Smith at Barnardo’s Policy, Research and Influencing Unit is available at http://bit.ly/1WgqLiA.

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence produces guidance aiming to define how the social and emotional well-being of vulnerable under-fives can be supported through home visiting, childcare and early education. See www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ph40.

Growing Strong: Attitudes to building resilience in later life, commissioned by children’s charity NCH, is at http://bit.ly/27RyOXe.

What works in building resilience? by Barnardo’s – http://bit.ly/1OUCm4u.

Evidence base for a Healthy Early Years Programme in London – part of the London Assembly’s plan to extend the Healthy Schools programme to early years. See http://bit.ly/1WgrCjm.

www.minded.org.uk isa free educational resource on children and young people’s mental health for parents and professionals. The site includes over35 bite-sized e-learning topics, individually tailored to equip families with the skills to identify and support a child with a mental health condition. It also provides guidance on mental well-being.


Child well-being

A four-part series on the roots of inequality and its effect on family life. See ‘A poor response?’, ‘Desperate measures’, ‘Of house and home’ and ‘Worried sick’ at www.nurseryworld.co.uk.

www.nurseryworld.co.uk/well-being– a four-part seriesexploring aspects of children’s personal development that enable them to grow up and lead happy and satisfying lives.

www.nurseryworld.co.uk/psed– our series on supporting children to thrive and learn.

www.nurseryworld.co.uk/attachment– a series on the roots of well-being.

www.nurseryworld.co.uk/key-people – looking at the vital role of the key person in ensuring children’s well-being.

www.nurseryworld.co.uk/physical-development –the essential links between PD, learning and well-being.

www.nurseryworld.co.uk/7cs-approach – an innovative way to design outdoor spaces to improve children’s learning and well-being.

http://bit.ly/1OLI4QS – ‘EYFS Best Practice – All about… Calm’.

http://bit.ly/1YWBSev – what actually matters when creating a secure environment for children.

Staff well-being

From Nursery Management:

http://bit.ly/1XuLqyo – ‘Staff – Fit for life’.

http://bit.ly/20xffxT – ‘Staff Mental Health – Keeping a clear head’.

http://bit.ly/1OUDpBC – ‘Staff health – Suffering in silence’.



The Well-being of Children in the UK edited by Jonathan Bradshaw


ukThis fourth edition (March 2016) draws together a vast amount of robust empirical evidence to examine the impact of the economic crisis and austerity measures since 2008 on the well-being of the child.




Understanding and Managing Children’s Behaviour Through Group Work Ages 3-5 by Cath Hunter


dfgAn insight into children’s emotional well-being, what and how they communicate and how practitioners can respond in a way that provides positive messages, increases the child’s emotional vocabulary and encourages them to change their behaviour.




Health and Well-being in Early Childhood by Janet Rose, Louise Gilbert, Val Richards


ertThis textbook draws on contemporary research on the brain and mind to provide an up-to-date overview of the central aspects of young children’s health and well-being. Coverage includes early influences, such as relationships, attachment and nutrition and the ‘the enabling environment’.



Exploring Well-being in the Early Years by Julia Manning-Morton


hkThis book outlines the importance of well-being to ‘life chances’, addresses inequalities and considers appropriate pedagogical approaches and aspects of practice that support children's well-being in early childhood settings.




Assessing Quality in Early Childhood Education and Care: Sustained Shared Thinking and Emotional Well-being (SSTEW) Scale for 2-5-year-olds provision by Iram Siraj, Denise Kind=gston and Edward Melhuish (IoE Press)

y89pIntroducing a new environmental scale building on ECERS to help practitioners develop and assess their practice and provision in supporting children’s thinking and well-being.



Health and Well-being (A Unique Child series) by Anne O'Connor (Practical Pre-School Books)

fgA practical guide focusing on three main strands: growing and developing, physical well-being and emotional well-being.





Mindful Learning by Craig Hassed and Richard Chambers

sdvThe authors provide practical insights and exercises on how to apply mindfulness in an educational setting, so helping to manage children’s stress, improve performance and create better communication and relationships.



Emotional Wellbeing for Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities


zcvA practical guide showing how many factors outside of a child's control can be addressed to minimise the risk of longer-term mental health problems and social exclusion.

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