
EYP Diary - getting ready for placements

While 13 candidates are celebrating success in meeting the standards, those currently engaged on the various pathways at Chichester University are enjoying a busy term.

Looking ahead to the September intake, programme co-ordinator Nikki Fairchild says she is working on offering a biology equivalency test under the new requirements for a GCSE in Science

Candidates on pathways commencing September 2012
The Graduate Practitioner Pathway candidates have all been on a setting visit. The assessor paperwork has been submitted and moderated by the University of Chichester and associated Consortium partners. I am pleased to confirm that all 13 of our GPPs have been told they met the requirements of Early Years Professional Status. Congratulations are due to all of them. They have invested their time and commitment to the programme and this has paid off for them and I am thrilled at their outcomes.

At the University of Chichester we currently have four pathways in progress at different stages:-

  • Graduate Entry Pathway and Undergraduate Entry Pathway
Our GEPs have spent some time out in placement. Their assignment has been marked and feedback issued by their tutor. The first session of March was an opportunity to get back together as a group and discuss their experiences. This discussion session enabled ideas to be shared and challenges to be discussed. The support of a peer group proved to be an important chance to share reflections on their practice.   
Development reviews are on the horizon for the UEPs. Feedback has been given on assignments and meetings are being arranged to compile an action plan for the remainder of the pathways. Students are in the final part of their dissertation and BA modules which require their current focus. All have sourced an additional placement and are keen to progress to setting visits, working towards this at present.

  • Undergraduate Practitioner Pathway
I am part way through the UPP Development Reviews and have the remainder to complete this week. The cohort are well prepared and all attendees have shown great initiative in identifying relevant evidence and knowledge and understanding. It is clear that the strong practice they demonstrate will support their goals of EYPS and that many have evidence in place already. The work on their final credit bearing module continues and they are balancing EYPS, BA modules and working in their settings.

  • Graduate Practitioner Pathways
The January 2013 GPP cohort has commenced their taught sessions. The themes covered have included professionalism in the early years including the role of the Early Years Professional as a leader of practice. They have all unpacked the concept of quality and how this can be promoted and have had a chance to critically reflect on the settings they work in. Child Development has focused on the ages of birth to three as this is an area which often needs further investigation.

Moving on to September 2013
I have started recruitment for the September 2013 intake to the Early Years Teacher Status pathways. There were a number of candidates who expressed an interest in EYPS and many of these are keen to progress on to Early Years Teacher. The science GCSE requirement has been a challenge for some candidates but I am working with our equivalency test provider to offer a biology equivalent for this September intake. Interviewees to date have shown a passion and desire to support children and further their own professional development opportunities.