Settings are going to great efforts to ensure their enabling environments contain rich, stimulating resources, despite the constraints of Covid-19, Nicole Weinstein finds
Using paint outdoors
Using paint outdoors

Settings that remained open for key workers at the beginning of the outbreak in March did not have the luxury of making informed decisions based on all the evidence that is now in the public domain: how long the virus is estimated to live on different surfaces, and the most effective hygiene measures to keep staff and children safe. Instead, they took a cautious but commonsense approach, with hand-washing at the top of the agenda and effective cleaning of equipment and nursery resources.

While some settings have removed difficult-to-clean items, such as soft furnishings, where necessary, as stated in the Government guidance published on 25 May*, others have been steam-cleaning their rugs and cushions each night, determined to ensure that their enabling environments are safe havens for children in their care.

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