
Awards 2012: Initiatives - Nursery food award

Health Provision Nutrition
Winner - Snapdragons Nursery, Weston, Bath

The judges were hugely impressed by the way Snapdragons Nursery has transformed its food provision in the past five months under the guidance of its nutrition manager.

Having adopted the new School Food Trust nutrition guidance, Snapdragons now has a comprehensive healthy eating policy that highlights how good food provision is formalised and communicated to staff and parents. From the kitchen to the nursery rooms, all staff are engaged in good food provision and education. Tasty dishes are prepared by the nursery's dedicated chefs and staff eat with their key children - providing role modelling for eating. Mealtimes are social and calm, and older children serve themselves.

Children take part in a variety of food activities each week, which range from writing shopping lists through to preparing food, while babies use food for messy play. Food learning continues in the garden (the nursery is a Forest School), where children collect eggs from the chickens, tend and harvest herbs, potatoes and fruit in the vegetable patch, and help collect apples from the tree to use in cooking. Children also go on farm visits to learn about where their food comes from.

The nursery uses local suppliers for organic eggs and dairy produce, buys pasture-fed, free-range meat, fresh vegetables and fish that is MSC environmentally certified. Snapdragons has forged links with its local authority and takes part in its award schemes to support healthy eating.

There is good communication with parents, working closely with them to meet children's individual needs, particularly in relation to weaning and allergies. There are informative notice boards displaying menus, details about food sourcing and recipes on display in the entrance hall and on the website. A parent questionnaire is carried out once a year and feedback is incorporated into food provision.

Snapdragons Nursery has recently been awarded a Food for Life Gold Standard Award and is Vegetarian Society Approved.

Highly commended

Children's Place Day Nurseries, Dewsbury

A passion for good food provision is led by a qualified Early Years Professional and nutrition manager whose enthusiasm and knowledge is shared by everyone from the kitchen staff to the room staff and ultimately the children who benefit from the balanced nutritious meals and snacks. Staff and children enjoy baking together and learning where food comes from.


Grace's Day Nursery, Sidcup, Kent

Sandfield Natural Play Centre, Whiston, Merseyside


Open to early years settings whose approach to, and provision of, nutritious food promotes children's health and well-being.