
A Unique Child: Nutrition - On trend

The rise of veganism means settings must be prepared to cater for this dietary choice. Mary Llewellin reports

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Nutrition: Veganism - On trand


IT'S HARD TO KEEP UP with the latest food fad: hand-reared pork crackling in a zinc bucket, retro cereals, craft beers, natural wine, anything foraged and avocados with everything. However, a food movement that is definitely having a fashion moment is veganism, and the reasons people cite for making the change seem to affect the degree to which they adhere to the original ethos.

The origins of modern-day veganism can be traced back to 1944, when Donald Watson and five other non-dairy vegetarians met to discuss diets and lifestyles. It was Mr Watson who came up with the word ‘vegan’, and while his ideology was driven initially by the desire not to eat any other animal out of compassion, it was later expanded to seek an end to man’s exploitation of animals in all its forms, such as for clothing, work and vivisection (see below).

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