
A Unique Child: Nutrition: Get cooking, summer

Emma Comer and Meg Smith of Tall Trees Kindergarten offer a luscious taste for summer.

Our Summer Berry Smoothie with Wholemeal Vanilla thins is packed with healthy berries, super foods which provide the children with vitamin C, fibre and antioxidants.

We buy frozen berries from our local farm shop. It also sells other frozen fruit mixes (such as tropical), which would also work well with this recipe.

Why not try growing your own berries? Blackberries, raspberries and blueberries are all easy to grow, although outdoor space and bird netting is required. By planting both summer and autumn varieties, the nursery will have crops for a few months a year.

Children love picking fruit, and their interest in healthy berries can be fostered by picking home-grown berries or even making a trip to a local fruit farm.

If buying berries fresh, do be aware that they have a very short shelf life. Store the fruit dry and loosely covered in the fridge for no more than two days.

Other berries to experiment with include tayberries, loganberries, and boysenberries.

Smoothies are a fantastic way of slipping healthy fruits into children's diets, many types of which the children would not normally be keen to try. The addition of the wholemeal biscuits also makes it into more of a dessert for the children.

To make enough for approximately 40 children, you will need the following.



1 1/2kg fresh or frozen raspberries, strawberries, redcurrants, cherries (pre-stoned), etc

2 litres organic vanilla yoghurt

1 pint full cream organic milk

120g honey


- Blend fruit until no lumps remain.

- Put through a sieve to remove seeds.

- Add the berry mixture to the yoghurt with the milk and honey.

- Mix well and place back in the fridge until ready to use.

- Makes approximately 5 litres and will keep in the fridge for two to three days.

400g organic wholemeal plain flour
200g organic butter
200g castor sugar
2tsp vanilla essence
2 tsp baking powder
2 beaten eggs
Oven: 190degC/375degF, gas 5


- Blend the flour, baking powder and butter, then add the sugar.

- Mix the dough with the vanilla and egg.

- Roll into a long sausage about 5cm in diameter and wrap in greaseproof paper.

- Twist the ends and put into the fridge overnight.

- Cut the biscuits thinly off the roll, put on a baking tray well apart.

- Bake for 10-12 minutes.

- Makes about 100 biscuits, but the dough can be kept in the fridge for approximately a week.

Emma Comer is owner-manager and Meg Smith is cook at Tall Trees Kindergarten, Frome, Somerset,

www.talltrees kindergarten.co.uk